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Dienstag, 10. April 2018

My Eternal 13 Rap/HipHop Song-List and "let me be great" Rap by alicia renee & vale

My Eternal 13 Rap / HipHop Song List - Kurzadresse: rap13.cracker.info

Playlist direkt - eternal13.cracker.info

Opt-In List even that Good - can´t decide sometime 

my favorit Truth Rap and my Interviews

Weitere gute Listen:
Truth Rap rap1.cracker.info - Rap Playlist 2 rap2.cracker.info

Am besten, wenn zwei Künstler ein Liedprojekt starten wie Eminem und Nena in einem Song durch einen DJ verarbeitet wurden: Loose Yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk_ajbRXWyo

And don´t forget you only get one Shot - once in a Lifetime - to make a Highdunk in Front of Millions that get nearbye drunken of success by a Hero that is real.

Mein Satz: Ich helfe Zweifelnden, Bestätigung zu erreichen, damit sie glücklicher werden.
My Sentence: I help doubters to achieve affirmation so that they become happier.

My first english Rap Download: http://wahrheitssuche.org/vale/tobegreat.mp3

Allroundabeats.com and my Text:

the harder the strugle - also we want
the tougher i´ll be - whats come to see
the harder i hustle - ongoing for life
the greater i´ll be -  for eternety
so let me be great - lets be so great
gotta be great - no other way
let me be great - we will tougch the sea

the harder i strugle
the harder i hustle
the harder i strugle
the greater i´ll be
so let me be great
let me be great - together

(let me introduce this song
my name vale and what to be shown
a sentence means luck for everybody
help doubters to achieve the affirmation
so that they become happier day by day
and even strong)

Achiefment to be great
in all arround the world
and even at barbeque
so be strog and so true

affirmation is what to come
a path of life and even strong
the luck for ebody is what to be seen
for luck with friends
through every day
is there valley

truth passion love and things
the true love is what 2 means
become a team for you and me
that is so true

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