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Samstag, 13. April 2024

International Woodcoin Site (English) (Money Songs - Moneysongs - Songs about Money) [Geld Lieder - Geldlieder]


International Woodcoin Site

International Woodcoin Site for the Heart and from the Heart to fix a Me & Me woodcoinscrackerinfo - Share with Beloved!

In all languages ​​Woodcoins wooden coins woodcoins.cracker.info.

Emergency wood money in a socially isolated world is now more than 500 times effective.

German: https://seth-andreas.blogspot.com/2024/02/holzvale-holzvale-holzvale-gg-meine.html

We can also use that for firm belief. The characteristics of the wooden coins is:

Peace since 2018 Unified Recognition

The wooden discs are wooden amulets and helped me - they are:
- Unique (secret - some can do something like copying)
- Eternal object if lucky
- Like telephone (secret - sympathy or communication even from a distance "Now Ticino gets that")
- Regional plant - social connection
- Examination - of the counterpart whether the damaging party
- Keepsake - firm in faith for firm stance
- Art - small with a big impact
- Motif - at the choice of the recipient
- Hand flatterer - to calm you down
- present - a souvenir
- Symbols - that connect you firmly with others

I Shared 500 Wood Coins and an Angel said to me - you life Longer for that. What Money can´t buy.

The Holztaler is now called Freundetalent or Holztalent do it yourself with an engraving stick and wooden discs or hearts for your loved ones - Ebay: https://www.ebay.de/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2540003.m570.l1313&_nkw=holzscheiben&_sacat=0 & here the Brandkolben https://www.ebay.de/itm/Brandmal-Kolben-Set-Gravur-Lotstation-Brandkolben-fur-Holzverarbeitung-Handwerk/312804816950?hash = item48d49eb836: g: wcUAAOSw0qFdUmHd
Professional also burns https://12x12.info/ - here you could find a merchandise talent possibly with a star sign i.e. 12 versions on the back of the company head. Own money blog entry - http://cracker.info/1/2020/06/16/eigenes-geld-energieausgleich-werde-deine-eigene-bank/. Social gifts to track down social gethos or befriend them with http://cracker.info/1/2020/07/11/sozialgetthos-finden-und-anfreundung-einleiten/
As a consolation for the rich http://cracker.info/sendung/reich.mp3.
My first English Podcast http://cracker.info/1/2021/07/04/my-first-english-podcast-woodlands3-mp3/

The same as with the wooden coin rolls - also works with knitting discs or embroidery doilies. Here from 6 people our items.

TALENTS - WOOD TALENTS - Friends have talents - Wooden discs to show the skills for the network. http://holztalente.cracker.info German
The best flute maker in a valley and the best watchmaker exchange and network.


- What if someone can make something out of what he finds. (Wooden discs)
- What if someone doesn't take anything in return and lets himself be told who he gives it to. 500 wood talents
- What if he gives it as a gift and always leaves it to the other person for sympathy and empathy.

- He's not bribable
- He can choose who to do this to
- He can contribute how it should look like
- The network will grow larger and larger if desired
- Social ghetto can be determined

triankcrackerinfo Triank

You can even identify "enemies" or who don't mean it well.

A social isolation of society would not be possible.

Die erste Originalseite über Holznotgeld bzw. Holzmünzen and Holztalente ist http://holztalente.cracker.info auf Deutsch.

Imagine a whole world freed from world currency.

The First Money was Staff-Money - the One Part was at the "Bank" the other Part of the Staff (Like Teeth they fitet) - these Woodcoins don´t need a Central or a Bank. The Human himself is the Worth of the Woodcoin - you Share Talent for Talent and let your Heart decide who get´s a Woodcoin.

 Wiederholt - Präzise weiter auf https://seth-andreas.blogspot.com/2024/02/holzvale-holzvale-holzvale-gg-meine.html




Just Money Music

Themenvideo unter Vorbehalt die Stimmung nicht zu Stören


Hier das höre ich Jetzt danach...


Alternativ-Geld: Buchbestand Andreas Marc Berneth (Circa 170 Bücher Buchbestand) https://seth-andreas.blogspot.com/2024/10/buchbestand-andreas-marc-berneth-circa.html


Hier war Charpentier - Te Deum

Image Credit mars.nasa.gov

Next Flight


Wiederholt - Alternativ-Geld: Buchbestand Andreas Marc Berneth (Circa 170 Bücher Buchbestand) https://seth-andreas.blogspot.com/2024/10/buchbestand-andreas-marc-berneth-circa.html

"Rabens Hymne" Krähen Geschrei und Lied alle Credits in Beschreibung - Links - Lieder Schwarzer Hut

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