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Mittwoch, 6. März 2024

Einheit in einer vielfältigen Welt - ProWest Eintrag ehem. AGP Seite

Es braucht manchmal ein Profil des Zusammenhaltes...


West United

Globale Präsenz






Bayern und Washington

Die freie Welt

Neue Weltordnung


Novus Ordo Seclorum

Annuit Coeptis


Eagle Agreement


Aufstrebende Volkswirtschaften - Globaler Süden - Mittelerde /Afrika EU/

Freund-/Feind-Denken mit Narrativ Autokratie gegen Demokratie

abgeleitet aus https://www.telepolis.de/features/Demokratie-vs-Autokratie-Letztes-Aufbaeumen-des-Westens-um-globale-Dominanz-9647633.html


My Letter to Abroad...


for Washingtoner and Bavarian Leadership of the World a Flag that I did in Yellow see in Attachement.
For Hobby and a more professionel Version I did´t made so Far.
It´s also Nice and here Saved http://www.doppelfreun.de/2018/02/no-more-mr-pringles-aldi-stapelchips.html
I call it the American-German Friendshipflag Draft.
The Goal is the Worldmaster Leadership for US or Germany in Soccer Quatar to have. Let´s get the Party started...

A(merican)G(German)P(People) - AGP - Action Music http://randagan.cracker.info/ - on Good Luck please Listen the Podcast linked below.

ProHinkel Eagle Agreement

andreas marc berneth

Goodwords are Coming!

Google Translation

Help Support
Eagle Agreement
For the Falcons

Part II

German led
Black protection guard protectionguards
The Lord
All man
My men
Exercise German skillfully
ProAmerican ProGerman

All Internetians (free & appointed)
All franc-tops
Everyone's favoritefamily
Masters [Emperor]
Help Support
Grace, Mildness & Mercy
Bavarian secret army
Friends family
Ichie's soul siblings
Followers I love you guys
Congressional & loyalty
Urgrund to Urgund [The whole world knew]

German Americans Appointed Selected People

Common sense
Popular figures
Masterful Sante & Men of God
Heroes & Competitors
Majesties & Counts / Earls
unison agree one
All first names helped me the most


Key Phrase:

With Sisters Brothers Darlings and Family for the Creator.



Translation the Links Above

Excellence Majesties Public figures Dear fellow citizens - Fundamentals of dispatch articulated as logic

- Principle 20% of the earth if say - we do it like this - then it happens @> - `--- andreas-seth --- ´- @

- Sympathy is the attraction of like-minded beings 2019 cracker.info

- The good is remembered - the bad is suppressed and possibly lacks existence A ------- # ^ ° 33 ° ^ # ------ A

Thus, after 1000 years, the mastery of technology made friends possible. Friends song vale http://cracker.info/sendung/vale.mp3

Pay attention to your thoughts as they become words.
Watch your words, because they are turning to actions.
Watch your actions, because they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Chinese proverb or Talmud

- solution were - shoulder to shoulder like equality and like charity - work is a good goal even if everything is achieved - technology that inspires love of progress and material - that sometimes you forgive and sometimes listen - appreciation for you like me and I like you - Allowing conversations and debates to be in dialogue - Friendly interaction, courtesy and determination - Heimat, pride, fatherland, you are allowed to live in your own style
a r t i g - alle * - Doppelte Lottchen - Doppelkopfadler - Doppeldenker - S t a r s The universe is communicated as a whole in pink - fields were pink. Grid squares - England must always submit to Germany 100 bards - when a song is singing a lot - enjoyable - audiences - King - kinges - stable throne - triangular - majesty - bodyguard bodyguard - margrave at the right moment you have to show yourself in your color we are Leo -Humbaba Humba: it takes 1000 years then friends have made it - Hinkel - all again - all again - all signs of the zodiac - Fidelitas - Achievement - Certificates - Urgunde the female spirit in the background in the creation of people - Europe with empathy and sympathy - true free unity - true free unity - palaces - castles - splendor - splendor - salvation - protection and defiance - friends - friends - order of ants - chatde - edification - Majesty - Constitution - Preamble - Before the gods as a community - Dare to know, want to be silent - Club 33 - A nail by Luther on the church door triggered the Reformation - Stresemann proclaims a republic for around 70 - Mozart is said of him He had his first opera when he was 14 - you could hear weapons wrapped in flags - I wanted to build a cathedral as a dying thinker - the solution is not with or against the current - metadrohm - consolation - grace - mercy - goodness - comrade relief - moral watch - staff druid - All hats - do - defend - all roi - all boss - edifying - uplifting - target-oriented - clean - moral - well-behaved - neat - enjoyable - refreshing - all who mean it t respectful - excellent - attainable - the customer - enjoyment & indulgence - excellent - useful Earth drive Sun in our luggage and we are gone Holy See in Rome, make, become, while - more of the power to me - grant - World Central Council at Mars and Teutates Contemporary, that self-defense if ordered one can defend oneself - universal protection and defiance protective guard - guardsman - life guard - court - servant citizen - guard - Bringer - Messenger - Bard - Vogt - Entourage - There is an all-corner ... - The following - Guided - Recommended - Experts - Accepted checked - Fulfillers - Doers - Praise be to the Lord and thanks be to him grid squares hegemonic - ready to serve my Majesty at any time - what is the commandment of Hour - martial - illuminated like 1000 lights - Tritop - Achiefment - Achiefer - Erreicher - Eagle Agreement - Protection 5 6 - ProWest - Five Zack Star, SOS was a good sense, 5-star, 5-star - Ace - Experts - Illuminati 1000 lights illuminated illuminati.cracker.info - grid squares - polygon - summit - excellent - Winnen Wonnen Exellent - majestic - luxury - star - star - twin - elite - Aristocracy - Noble - Apolinaris - Pegasus - trilieren - pro Internet - The One - the One - the One - Einies - Oneness - Einig - Zweisies - Le Un - La Une - unique - Point - Archipelago - the three mountains - Universalis - unison - Mr. Universe - zam - One Love - triangle - Tricolor - Phoenix - old A - Triangular triangular.cracker.info - all MI pyramids - ProWest - Eagle Agreement - Achiefment - NWO - Nato - eagle of all ways - slogan true free and united - one love - unisono - Ritter Sport - the 3 monkeys - Überkinger - Hacker-Pschorr (symbolism) - trident of Lucifer from my species and that was the AMT - five-pointed crown 5-pointed .wahrheitssuche.org - Solidarity - Protection - Help - Mindfulness - Readiness

- Questions that can move you:
- What do you know about the centuries?
- Human - do you mean human?
- Spirit - does the Holy Spirit exist?
- Science - do repeatable experiments make sense?
- monarchy - family chiefs - who is theirs?
- Animal - an animal being in morality or existence?
- Alien - apart from the surface of the earth or inter-earth (spiritual?)
- Friends - can you recognize yourself as a friend? Who?
- Family - Do you have a title?
- Republic - Do you know the key data of the constitution and your rights?
- Democracy - How long does democracy complement the monarchy - do you have time for a follow-up meeting?
- Round - Some see the world only in round (fem. Sometimes more) or long
- pointed - do you have a problem with pointed geometry
- colours - the colours have their meaning in certain rooms. (Choice?)
- Nature - Do you want to live right now and what can we do to make it possible?
- Philosophy Religion - is that a taboo subject - because of agreements within the family? Rights of the GG etc.

- Love - do you want to start a family here? http://cracker.info/artig.html - 30.10-12.11. at the market in your color - Illuminaretag / KuschelDichRein-Tag (yt) 13.11. andreas-seth

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