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Dienstag, 24. Mai 2022

NESARA II (2) - more prosperity - attainable.

English Article - English Translation Google from nesara.cracker.info

World social economy - a money administered in the hands of the citizenry as cooperatives or distribution of wealth?

For better distribution of wealth… more prosperity...


Focusing on need over welfare is a mistake.

The moneyless society salvation with the pointer – the boss or king system of the families.
Today we have the finger pointing even more important sometimes downwards - on the mouse.
Exchanging and trading with what you like… that would be salvation.
Yes, we want reincarnation to reincarnation of love or money to come into its own. We come from the ideal world - the Triank (http://triangular.cracker.info) is now a reminder of this. We live what we want - love in all languages ​​- no law and order not in my four walls. A world where it matters who you are not what you have - a world where it matters how many lives you save and not dominate. The pointer from relatives to the top or from the children to the mouse down if they like you - depending on who you like.
The third way the money then stays. A world where counts how many hearts you win. Your life will be about love – who would you point your finger to? Which then reminds me of the oath, kneeling, pledge, loyalty, vow, hand on heart - who would you entrust your life to? It is then the loved ones who decide - whether to be or not to be. The carrot or the decision with the manners or whatever the spirit – manners for the sake of love, otherwise you might not be able to give as much of it.

More 3-fold topics

By the way - triangle now forever!

Triple gear:

3 perceptions
Nature - Overland
Tradition – Myths
Technology - Internet

3 orders
Finger pointing - family
Mouse click - network
Money/Performance - Republic

3 reference persons (ladies) each assigned a symbol and color in almost sacred perpetual order
FIRST - Companion (First acquaintance) - Dearest - Black
PERMANENT - beloved queen (first fiancee) - darling - brown
CURRENT - woman (second fiancé and wife - in Bavaria you only marry once) - darling - green
Called the three darlings - Liebelle - sweetie's music

3 states
Spirit - the Holy Spirit in high (female) and low (male)
God/Human/Person - Half matter with spirit
Matter - objects and earth

3 self-awareness
Waking state - reality - this world
Dream World - Night Experience
Realm of the Dead - Beyond
Remedy: dual employment - focus on second consciousness the distraction

5 hopes
Love with forgiveness and mercy
Family with connection & help
Competition with success & sustainability
Friendship with promise & confirmation
Prosperity with Automation & Leisure
Remedy: Animals, Nature & Items

In the theories about second money on earth next to the dollar as a world currency system or blockchain.

Do you remember 2001 the prosperity

The war on terror hopefully not another 30 years.

http://nesara.cracker.info the content of the Reform Act in German

debt relief
Abolition of income tax
Introduction of the US Treasury
restoration of constitutional law
Calls for the resignation of the current governments
The inaugurated NESARA President declares peace
and allows for a smooth renewal process
of international banking. All aggressive
US military action will cease immediately.
Berthold Brecht "If you weren't rich, I wouldn't be poor."

For a society in prosperity and love instead of scaremongering and scarcity. Action AN5 (German) we the N.T.A.T. (Nesara Take Action Team).


Usurpatio V6
(Once a Goal - Today AN5)


Das war die Seite AN5 auf Cracker info. First Manhatten then Berlin https://seth-andreas.blogspot.com/2023/12/das-war-die-seite-an5-auf-cracker-info.html

A reign over attraction and prosperity over fear and scarcity.
To encourage the exchange of talents and human relationships.

For attraction and prosperity that is lived with society.

Page: With world oath e.g. on Terra (German) http://cracker.info/sites/oneworld/eid.html

The cooperative money – in shares that anyone can purchase. (Like Second Money?)
One can be excluded or tolerated.
Even to belong to the cooperative bank - which has an interest in bringing the money to the people.
Similar to the Raifeisenbank - with the possibility of a cooperative share.

We are the ones we've been waiting for.

Ahorncreators participate with the first online NESARA oath I know of.

GESARA – Globalal Economic Security and Recovery Act. https://www.gesarahelp.org/

We are the ones we've been waiting for

When the planet was finished being created by our troops
did you want to keep me here and set me up,
that money armies – speak of honorable rich
Paid teams attacked each other - just for them
could lay in the meadows.

As a small child I carried out the insubordination - left the office with the wish - that the rich and powerful could lay in the meadows forever - without money armies doing anything to them.

The settling troops – then wanted on earth
probably because of obedience that armies of money are slaughtering here.

After disobeying orders, I no longer belong - the circle
who then gave us security and humanity
after completion of the planet - promised me eternal help - depending on manners. I was a baby body back then…

Rich can lay forever in the meadows - the powerful or rich.

They couldn't take it anymore - which is why I was promised help.

My quality was to say NO!

Whether De Niro - Al Pacino or Jack Nicholson - you can even lay in meadows in the Adria - Lignano or we have to do something for it.

Colin Ryan's original poem:
Soon the time will come when humanity has nothing left to lose… when man will lose his fear of death and become invulnerable… he will do what he must do… unafraid he will take control of the world… away from the soulless … with certainty that he has to do something … otherwise he has no future … confronted with oblivion and hopelessness he will eliminate oppressors and even die himself in one act for his brothers … to change the fortunes of this world … this day comes as it always comes …every good man will join in removing oppression…he will have nothing to lose…he is the world's most underrated weapon.
NESARA -Necessary - Distribution of Wealth - for Eternity?


N.T.A.T. – ntat that has value.

1nd Choice



… Archive of Nesara.de …

How the NESARA Reform Act came about on nesara.cracker.info in German



With the Found Symbol


Das war die Seite AN5 auf Cracker info. First Manhatten then Berlin https://seth-andreas.blogspot.com/2023/12/das-war-die-seite-an5-auf-cracker-info.html


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